Hands-on Heroes
The best way to get kids interested in woodworking? Help them build something. Ask a kid what they want to do when they grow up and you’ll get a hundred answers. Chances are good that “woodworker” isn’t one of them. …
The best way to get kids interested in woodworking? Help them build something. Ask a kid what they want to do when they grow up and you’ll get a hundred answers. Chances are good that “woodworker” isn’t one of them. …
Can Lithium-ion batteries really catch fire? A friend of mine proved it beyond a doubt. I’ve never liked the idea of knock-off, counterfeit or no-name tool batteries. Inexpensive, but underpowered and just not as efficient as originals, knock-off batte…
Read moreI love mysteries that involve really old wood. There’s an old farm in Mannheim, Pa., that – like so many farms today – saw its last farming days years ago. The homesteads have been converted to B&Bs, while the old …
What do you look for when buying a tool? I’m guessing the same that I do (along with thousands of other woodworkers). At the top of the list are excellent performance at a fair price, reliable and available accessories, a …
Ever make something for one purpose, then find a new use for it later? Back in 2018, I did a doll cradle project with 1/2″ oak that I’d milled. The scrap oak wasn’t big enough for anything on my to-do …