Author Archives: fitz

Exeter Hammers, ‘Principles of Design’ & Dados

By the end of this week (assuming no more disasters), we should have a clutch of our new Exeter-pattern Furniture-maker’s Hammers for sale, as well as – finally! – “Principles of Design” (we thought we’d have it in June, but we’ve been bedeviled by cover problems at the bindery). “Principles of Design” is our title…

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Dovetailed Blanket Chest for Colonial Williamsburg Conference

I’m headed to Virginia this weekend for a few days at Colonial Williamsburg where I’ll be studying, measuring and taking careful notes on all the details of a late 18th/early 19th-century Virginia blanket chest in the CW collection – a chest I’ll be replicating for the 27th Annual Working Wood in the 18th Century Conference,…

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LAP Open Wire, Sept. 14, 2024

Do you have a woodworking question in need of an answer? Then you’ve come to the right place! Just post your question in the comments section below, and Christopher Schwarz and I shall do our best to answer. As always, brevity is appreciated. We’ll be online on and off today until around 5 p.m., at…

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‘Dutch Tool Chests’ Has Left the Building

I am delighted to announce that the book I started writing four years ago – “Dutch Tool Chests” – is finally in the hands of our printer. I also hope to have proofs to review by the weekend. Above is a mockup of the cover (surprise, it’s gray/blue). The real thing will look a lot…

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Classes at the Storefront, Jan.-May 2025

We have a handful of new classes – including one from Welshman Chris Williams – to announce for the first half of 2025, tickets for which will be on sale at 10 a.m. Eastern on Sept. 16, 2024, on our ticketing site. • Build a Welsh-style Comb-back Chair with Christopher Schwarz, Jan. 13-17• Build a Dutch…

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