Author Archives: fitz

Anthe Building Update No. 4(?)

I’m not sure what counts as an update in Christopher lexicon – but this is the fourth numbered update on what’s been happening at what will become the new Lost Art Press headquarters, so we’ll go with No. 4! (You can read an FAQ about plans for the new space in this June 28 post.)…

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LAP Open Wire with Joel Moskowitz, July 15, 2023

We are delighted to have Joel Moskowitz, co-author of “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker,” and owner of Tools for Working Wood in Brooklyn, N.Y., as the host of today’s Open Wire.  Here’s how it works: Type your woodworking question in the comment field. Joel will answer it. It is that simple. (Note that he will…

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‘Karvsnitt’ by Jögge Sundqvist Now Available

We are delighted to announce that the English translation of Jögge Sundqvist’s “Karvsnitt: Carving, Pattern & Color in the Slöjd Tradition” is now available in our store! Cutting patterns and symbols in wood, and enhancing them with vibrant color, are folk traditions kept alive in the slöjd craft. Through decorations imbued with meaning, chip carving…

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This Saturday’s Open Wire is with Joel Moskowitz

Joel Moskowitz, founder/owner of Tools for Working Wood and co-author of “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” (With Christopher Schwarz and the anonymous 19th-century author) is hosting this Saturday’s Open Wire here on the Lost Art Press blog. If you read Joel’s blog, you know his intellectual curiosity about all things woodworking (among other subjects) is…

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Cut Leg Tapers by Machine

The following is excerpted from “The Anarchist’s Design Book” – an exploration by Christopher Schwarz of furniture forms that have persisted outside of the high styles that dominate every museum exhibit, scholarly text and woodworking magazine of the last 200 years. There are historic furniture forms out there that have been around for almost 1,000…

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