Author Archives: fitz

Jan.-June 2022 Classes at LAP

Though we’ve dialed back the number of classes we’re offering at the storefront, we do have a few scheduled for the first half of next year (mostly because Chris is kind to me and – despite the havoc a class wreaks on his shop and life in general – knows I a) love teaching and…

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Just Add Cameras to Exacerbate the Stupid

In Autumn of 2019, Nicole Spagnuolo emailed to ask if I’d like to record a video for The Wood Whisperer Guild. “Sure!” I said, forgetting – in my delight and honor for having been asked – that I vehemently dislike being on camera. We decided on a smaller version of Christopher Schwarz’s “Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”…

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Anarchist Gift Guide Day 15: Pilot .5mm Mechanical Pencils

Anyone who’s taken a class with me in the last five years knows how I feel about .5mm mechanical pencils. When students’ dovetails are too loose or too tight, my first question is, “What pencil did you use to darken your knifeline?” If a dado is too loose (or too tight), my first question is,…

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Mid 18th-century Composition of Wood Dyes

The following is excerpted from “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry,” by André-Jacob Roubo, translated by Donald C. Williams, Michele Pietryka-Pagán and Philippe Lafargue. The different Compositions of Dyes appropriate for dyeing Woods, and how to use them The tinting [dyeing or staining] of woods is of great importance for cabinetmakers, because…

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