Author Archives: Jay Bates

Day 257 – Machines Into The New Shop

Mistakes were made… We have emptied the shipping container and moved on from that phase of this crazy adventure. During the summer months, I checked the machine surfaces for signs of rust. However, I stopped checking regularly since we had no iss…

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Day 255 – Temporary Lighting and Movie Theater

Remember this past summer when it was super dry and dusty and we couldn’t hardly breathe because it was so dry and dusty? Yeah, winters are always the exact opposite for us: wet, wet, wet. Times like these make the simple wins, like temporary lig…

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Day 253 – Wildlife on the Property

I’m giving a quick update on a few things while I walk to my trail camera to put out a small salt block. The camera has been in place for one month, and we’ve captured several deer, raccoons, possums, rabbits, foxes, and coyotes. Occasional…

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Day 250 – Puppies and a New Tradition?

All of this footage was from December 14. I am so far behind on editing.. Our family grew by two! Part of our long term plan from last year was to get two large breed outside dogs for companionship and protection. Tyler Kay will finish growing up with …

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Day 247, Day 248 NO WORK Days

Generally speaking, the busiest time of the year is the week before Thanksgiving to Christmas Day. It’s always busy. With this year’s adventure in full swing, I’m hitting a mental wall. Jamie and I were talking about this yesterday, a…

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