Author Archives: Kara Uhl

A Historical Look at the Anthe Building

A few weeks ago, Chris asked me to research The Anthe Building. To help, he put me in contact with Heather Churchman, who runs one of our favorite Instagram accounts, Covington Uncovered. Heather was instrumental in the development of this piece for her research, knowledge of Covington history and where to find necessary information. In…

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The Sound of What We Make

Core77 recently featured furniture designer’s Hemmo Honkonen’s series of audible cabinets. Honkonen writes on his website, “The cabinets are a study in mechanically produced sound, movement and interaction. Each cabinet has its own sound that is triggered by opening and closing the doors.” You can see photos, watch – and listen – to the doors being opened,…

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Meet the Author: John Porritt (Part 2)

Read “Meet the Author: John Porritt (Part 1)” here. Early on John Porritt (author of “The Belligerent Finisher“) enjoyed playing around with bits of wood in his spare time. In the early 1970s, he carved a face into a piece of hazel and strung it onto leather as a necklace. He used a heated rod…

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Meet the Author: John Porritt (Part 1)

John Porritt, author of “The Belligerent Finisher,” has been designing and building furniture, restoring furniture and tools, as well as making chairs inspired by older Welsh stick chairs and English country Windsor chairs for more than four decades.  Born in 1953 in a military hospital in Aldershot, a town in Hampshire, England, John was the…

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