Author Archives: Kara Uhl

Whitney Miller Sharing Surprising Facts About Henry Boyd On Instagram All Month Long

In celebration of Black History Month, Whitney Miller is sharing interesting facts she learned while researching, writing and illustrating “Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed” throughout the month on Instagram, @whitneyontv. Several years ago, Lost Art Press hired Suzanne Ellison to spend several months looking through public archives for anything she could find related to Boyd’s life….

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Meet the Author: Whitney Miller (Part 2)

Read “Meet the Author: Whitney Miller (Part 1)” here. Whitney Miller, author of “Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed,” continued looking for a news reporter position while working at Walgreens from October to December 2014, and in December she was hired as Morning Show Associate Producer/Digital Content at Fox Television KRIV in Houston. “I was a behind-the-scenes…

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Meet the Author: Whitney Miller (Part 1)

Whitney Miller, news anchor, and author/illustrator of “Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed,” grew up in Houston, Texas, with her mom, dad and younger sister. Her dad was a “computer doctor” who owned his own business, Millertech, and serviced computers for large companies. Her mom worked in insurance and financial services. “I just remember her smelling really…

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The Christmas Feast

Publisher’s Note: Please excuse or ignore the choices of pronouns and male-centric language. We are all products of our time, and Charles Hayward (born in 1898) was no exception. It’s interesting to note that as the magazine entered the 1960s, the language and pronouns began to modernize as well. (I’m sure my own writing will…

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Windsor Chairmaker Richard Grell Documentary

A film about Windsor chairmaker Richard Grell is available for viewing here and includes George Walker, co-author of Euclid’s Door, From Truth to Tools, By Hound & Eye, and By Hand & Eye. The documentary, titled “The Master Craftsman: Richard Grell,” was created by Phillip James Sieb and assisted by Philip C. Leiter for Hudson…

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