Author Archives: Kara Uhl

Point of Honour

In these latter days of war it is sometimes difficult to hold firmly to the vision that was ours in times of peace. We may be craftsmen who once had high standards of accomplishment which the rush and tear of wartime production, or lack of proper materials, have insensibly lowered; or we may simply be…

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Woodcarving Book to Benefit Veterans

Iain Whittington, a woodworker and retired army engineer, has published a second book on woodcarving, “Amateur Woodcarving.” For those interested in learning the craft of decorative carving with a chisel and knife, “Amateur Woodcarving” covers everything from tool selection, including basic carving tools and carving knives, to sharpening techniques, workholding and finishing, all within a…

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A Million Tiny Candles

Today may you find the love Dick Proenneke did, alone but not, 39 years ago today. A journal entry, written by Dick, excerpted from “The Handcrafted Life of Dick Proenneke.” December 25, 1982: Partly Cloudy, Calm & 21° A real nice morning for that special day. A few nights ago I was reminded of Christmas….

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Objects Made from the Nannau Oak

In our forthcoming illustrated book, “Cadi & the Cursed Oak,” much of the plot centers on an acorn cup. Once there was a cup. But it was not an ordinary cup, for it was a silver cup with an oak sleeve turned in the shape of an acorn, one hand high, as if it had…

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Standing Outside, Looking In

Building a book, tool chest, chair, backyard fort, orchard, business plan, well, cabin or even a family requires the same basic steps. A desire, need or circumstance that you can’t shake. Gathering or making the things needed. A plan (or not). And then, a lot of steps. Followed by a lot of problems. Solutions, failures,…

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