Author Archives: Klaus N. Skrudland

Chair Chat no. 24: Worms On Meth™

Editor’s note: In this Chair Chat, Chris gets a visitor and we conspire to hijack Lost Art Press while he’s gone. Rudy wonders how to get that “shiny brown finish,” and Chris explains his theory on creating Worm Holes. Please only read further if you dare to enter the area on the Lost Art Press…

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Norwegian Wood

All the factors should be in place. Trees? Check. More than 2,000 years of well-documented woodworking and other crafting traditions? Check. A large countryside with huge distances and scattered, isolated villages? Check. A long and proud history of self-sufficiency and homesteading? Check and check. So how come I can’t find any vernacular stick chairs in…

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Soviet Cars & Welsh Chairs

When I grew up, we had a red Lada 1200. It was a 1982 model, a compact four-door sedan, produced in the The Soviet Union. It was a primitive and humble car. Nothing fancy anywhere. No bling or stylish features. But it was affordable, reliable and easy to repair. And most importantly it was built…

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Chair Chat no. 21: ‘The Splat’

In our 21st Chair Chat™ with Klaus Skrudland and Rudy Everts, we discuss a primitive stick chair that looks so uncomfortable it would best be used to interrogate spies. As usual, the language is on the salty side. Then again, a chair like this needs a rich vocabulary to be discussed properly. As always, if…

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A Nod From Plato

As I was writing this, I looked for photos of my dad woodworking. I couldn’t find any. That was frustrating at first, but then I realized that it just underlines the story I’m about to tell. However I would like you to meet him, so here’s a recent photo of him eating breakfast. My dad…

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