Author Archives: Lost Art Press

‘The Woodworker Vols. 1-4’ is Back (Plus a Special Offer)

Well it took longer than I expected, but we now have all four volumes of “The Woodworker” back in stock and ready to ship. If you order before April 30, you can get all four volumes for $100 with free domestic shipping. That’s $39 off. Plus the free shipping. Here’s the link to the page….

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New: Warning Flags for Long Loads

These red flags attach to long lengths of lumber that extend out the back of your truck or car. The flags alert other drivers that they shouldn’t tailgate you (unless they want a mouthful of splinters). Also, a flag of some sort is required in many jurisdictions for loads that extend out the rear of…

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When Holdfast Holes Shrink

After a few years of drying, my workbench’s benchtop shrank a bit. It’s not a big deal, but the drying process also shrank my 1” holdfast holes. And with a few of the holes it became difficult to insert the holdfast’s shaft. There are a few ways to open up the holes a bit. Reaming…

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Closeout Sale on Two Books

Here’s the news. We are closing out two of our historical reprints: Joseph Moxon’s “Mechanick Exercises” and Peter Nicholson’s “Mechanic’s Companion.” The books are now $13 each until we run out of stock. Act quickly to avoid disappointment. I’m grumpy about this sale because I hoped to keep these two properly bound, nicely printed books…

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