Author Archives: Lost Art Press

The Soft Wax Pipeline

Katherine has just posted a big batch of Soft Wax 2.0 to her etsy store. Thanks to her new Heating Mixing Filling Machine, we are able to make more wax with less waste and fewer first-degree burns (though I did stupidly touch the heating element of the machine). In working with Katherine, I also noticed…

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Advice on Woodworking Machines: Go Metal

We needed an additional band saw for our bench room. We have several chair classes coming up fast, plus we use my old 1980s Rockwell band saw so much that there are times we need to have two band saws running simultaneously.  My first instinct was to buy a second old USA-made Delta band saw…

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A Subtle Upgrade to the Bench Room

We are slowly removing the evidence that our storefront was once a purple-and-glitter womb of wacky architecture. One of the things we have been working on are the HVAC registers and returns.  Today Megan installed a new cold-air return that she had made by Thane Lorbach, a local laser shop. The original grille was beat…

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