Author Archives: Lost Art Press

Free: Curved-back Armchair from ‘The Stick Chair Book’

Don’t let an unfamiliarity with chairmaking keep you building a chair. This Irish-y armchair, with a curved back rest and lightly saddled seat, is a gateway chair into building a full-on Kentucky stick chair (or Welsh stick chair, or Scottish stick chair, or Insertplacenamehere stick chair). And the plan for this chair is free. Click…

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Soft Wax 2.0: Does it Fly?

Katherine “Soft Wax” Schwarz has spent her free time during the last couple weeks making wax. An insane amount of wax. And she has just put it all up for sale in her etsy store. As everyone knows, you can’t sell wax without a cute animal photo. Here you see Bean, our three-legged shop cat,…

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A Workbench for Making Chairs

Because I have written books on workbenches and chairs, I am regularly asked what sort of workbench is best for making chairs. Here’s my answer: the same bench you use to make cabinets, boxes and snake toys. Unless you are a professional chairmaker who makes chairs and only chairs in a tiny space, there is…

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Meet the New Editor of Lost Art Press

I am pleased to announce that we have hired Megan Fitzpatrick as the editor at Lost Art Press. She is our company’s first employee, and I cannot think of anyone I’d rather have in that position. I am not going anywhere. I will be the publisher. That means I’ll be deciding what titles we’ll print,…

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Meet the Maker: Andy Brownell

During the last 25 years, I’ve met dozens of professional woodworkers here in the Ohio River Valley. And – of course – I’ve met hundreds and hundreds of amateur woodworkers as well. And while there are many excellent woodworkers in this region, I honestly think Andy Brownell is at the top of my list. Andy’s…

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