Author Archives: Lost Art Press

Anarchist Gift Guide Day 8: Wisdom Supply Co. Binder

I’m no hippie, but I’ve never liked waste. It offends me to throw away something because it can’t be repaired. But that’s the norm in our society. Take three-ring binders, for example. We use binders all the time to keep manuscripts organized as they move through the publishing process. But I also use binders to…

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Use a Laser for Compound-angle Drilling

Several readers asked how to use a laser for drilling compound angles in chairmaking after I posted my love letter to green lasers. Here it is with some important caveats:  Yes, you can use two lasers like Greg Pennington does. If you have two lasers, go for it. I have only one. I use lasers…

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Anarchist Gift Guide Day 7: Leatherman Skeletool

When Leatherman released its first multi-tool, I immediately bought one. I can’t tell you how many times I have been stuck somewhere without a set of tools. The Leatherman seemed to be a great stop-gap for when you needed some makeshift pliers, or a screwdriver, knife or file. But after using it a few times,…

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