Author Archives: nrhiller

‘Shop Tails’ – the Audio Book

This week we hit a big milestone: the completion of recording and editing an audiobook version of “Shop Tails.” I’m so relieved. The project has been a joy to work on and has given me the juice to keep going for the past several weeks. The recording alone was an experience. I don’t think I’ve…

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D.H. Phillips: The Art of Furniture

Dan Phillips doesn’t advertise or have a website, so when Christopher Schwarz suggested he’d make a good subject for a profile, adding “he has a great eye,” I looked him up on Instagram. Here’s a guy who doesn’t give a fig for the accepted wisdom about social media, I thought; Daniel’s feed is a colorful…

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Present in the Moment: An Interview with Leslie Webb

People come to furniture making via many different paths, but Leslie Webb is the first furniture maker I know who got into the field through a gig as a nanny. “I had gone off to college [at Bowdoin in Brunswick, Maine] and was completely lost in terms of direction,” she began, by way of explanation….

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Book report: ‘Joinery, Joists and Gender’ by Deirdre Visser

I’m calling this a book report rather than a review, because I don’t have the gumption right now to write a proper formal review. So please forgive the relatively casual nature of what follows. I love this book, which was recently published by Routledge. (I’m linking to the sales page at Amazon because the publisher’s…

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