Author Archives: Rudy Everts

‘The Stick Chair Journal’ Woodcut

Editor’s note: With the first Stick Chair Journal shipping out very soon, we wanted to highlight the woodcut on the cover. >>Stay tuned for a shipping date!<< Making a Woodcut When making a woodcut you need to make sure to remember two things: The printed image will be a mirror of the image you see…

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Freak Chairs Part One: 5-Legged Chairs

Most people who make chairs today make four-legged chairs. There are good reasons for that. Though three-legged chairs were once very common as they are stable on uneven floors (three legged chairs have NO WOBBLE), on a flat floor it is definitely hard to beat the stability of a four-legged chair. Five-legged chairs are an…

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Chair Chat No. 23 with Rudy and Klaus: Paddle Supports

Editor’s note: Please note you are entering the Chair Chat area, a place full of naughty language, toilet humor, bad dad jokes, inappropriate musings, infantile jokes, plain bad jokes, very ugly chairs and many other things that can harm a to a not-yet-fully developed brain like a child. We again rate this post PG13, because…

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Chair Chat No. 22 with Rudy and Klaus – Your Turn

Editor’s note: This chair chat is a work in progress, and we need your help to finish it. We have a beautiful chair but only had two minutes to talk because Chris had to go to the bathroom (number two).  We ask you readers to finish this Chair Chat in the comments. Please keep it…

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