Category Archives: 101 acres

Stumped – Day 73

We bought 101 acres of woods, so we have and will have many stumps to address. In this video, I’m using the Woodland Mills WG24 Stump Grinder to grind a pair of stumps in the middle of our perimeter trail. The stump grinder has a 24″ diamet…

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Machines Rusting in Shipping Container – Day 65

Two and a half months ago, we sold our house and shop. Our belongings went into a shipping container to sit protected (hopefully) until the shop is built. A common concern is that shipping containers hold moisture and cause rust and mold issues. Well, …

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Perimeter Trail Part 2 – Day 49

We continue the perimeter trail but on the north side this time. The eventual goal is to have a continuous trail along the entire perimeter of the property. This will help with security by keeping an eye on everything, but it will also be for recreatio…

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Sawing Logs – Day 40

Yesterday, our dirt work guy had to stop due to rain. He started a large burn pile and knocked over a dozen or so large pines for me to cut up. So today, we’re out here early to get as much of this cut as possible before more rain settles in. The…

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