Category Archives: American Peasant

That (bleeping) Ad for the (bleep) ‘American Peasant’

One of the many things I disliked about working for a family newspaper was how fragile the editors were to reader criticism. If one person complained about the tiniest thing in a news story I’d written, I’d be dragged into the city editor’s office and raked over the coals about it. They’d print a correction,…

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‘Set & File’ Back in Stock (Yay); Delays on Other Books (Boo)

“Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening” by Matt Cianci is back in stock after we absolutely burned through the first printing. We now have enough copies to begin filling wholesale orders for our international retailers. So stay tuned. Other good news: Classic Hand Tools in the U.K. now has “American Peasant” and…

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News: ‘American Peasant’ Release, FWW Cover & The Stick Chair Journal

Sometimes we have so much stuff going on at Lost Art Press that I need to condense it all into one brief blog entry. Here we go. ‘American Peasant’ Released Early My latest book, “American Peasant,” shipped from the printer 10 days early and will arrive in our Covington warehouse on Monday or Tuesday. We’ll…

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The American Peasant Heads to Print

We just sent the “American Peasant” book to press, but it’s a lot like landing in a foreign country (yay!) and having to wait behind 1,000 people at the immigration window (ugh). Normally, our books come out about five or six weeks after we send them to press. But these are not normal times. Thanks…

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