Category Archives: Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker!

‘With Mallets Toward None’

After a week of teaching at the Woodwright’s School, of course we felt compelled to post an excerpt from Roy Underhill’s “Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker! A Novel With Measured Drawings.” Above is one of those measured drawings: Roy’s plan for a mallet featuring a “rising dovetail,” from “Grandpa Sam’s Woodshop of the Air.” To download…

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‘With Mallets Toward None’

After a week of teaching at the Woodwright’s School, of course we felt compelled to post an excerpt from Roy Underhill’s “Calvin Cobb: Radio Woodworker! A Novel With Measured Drawings.” Above is one of those measured drawings: Roy’s plan for a mallet featuring a “rising dovetail,” from “Grandpa Sam’s Woodshop of the Air.” To download…

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