Category Archives: Crucible Tool

Now Shipping: The Crucible Microfiber Super Woobie

Yes, it’s weird that I have put so much effort into making a custom rag. Yes, you could take an old gym sock or T-shirt, soak it in oil and get a similar result. But also yes: I would buy this custom rag if I didn’t already own one. The Crucible Microfiber Super Woobie is…

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Special Sale on Blemished Holdfasts

A batch of our holdfasts was exposed to moisture during shipping, and they developed some surface rust. After weighing all the options – from melting them down to media-blasting them – we decided to sell them at a discount instead. These blemished holdfasts are fully functional. The castings passed inspection. The only thing wrong with…

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Sliding Bevels & Scrapers Back in Stock

We’ve just added 23 Crucible Sliding Bevels to the store – our biggest batch yet – and Crucible Card Scrapers are back in stock. We’re working slowly but steadily to keep up with demand on the sliding bevels; as Norm Abram says, “we’re gaining on it.” We hope by June to be far enough ahead…

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For Sale: 5-Year Anniversary Lump Hammers

To mark the five-year anniversary of Crucible Tool, we collaborated with artist Jennifer Bower to hand engrave one side of 10 Crucible Lump Hammers with our logo surrounded by decorative foliage. These 10 special tools are now available, and are $350 – which basically covers the costs of making these special tools and no more…

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Coming Soon: Super Woobies

We decided to ask our Super Woobies to do two jobs: prevent rust and remind us of the value of our work. So we have contracted with a local embroidery firm to stitch “Don’t Despair: Nothing Without Labour” onto one corner, plus the image of a friendly bee – the long-time symbol of woodworkers and other trades.

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