Category Archives: Crucible Tool

Restocks (Including Sliding Bevels)

I have a few important restock notices today. We’ve just posted a big batch of Crucible 4” Sliding Bevels. The machine shop is cranking them out as fast as they can, and we hope to catch up with demand before February. Also – we have Crucible Card Scrapers back in stock. I wish I could…

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More Sliding Bevels in Stock

The sliding bevel factory has been cranking out these tools as fast as possible. We got two more batches in this week. You can purchase one here. If they sell out, don’t worry. We will have more next week.

— Christopher Schwarz

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Now Shipping: Crucible Planing Stop

At long last, we are selling and shipping our new Crucible Planing Stop. The price is $49 plus shipping (if you order the planing stop by itself, shipping should be $7 and change). These stops are easy to install (see the movie here), look traditional and are less expensive than black-smith-made planing stops. We plan…

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5 Years of Crucible Tool

Crucible Tool has been in business for five years now. To mark the occasion, I wrote a long post about the journey and realized it was a flaming barge of beaver diarrhea. So I deleted it. Instead, to mark the occasion, we will make a few special tools this year, mostly for our own delight…

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