Category Archives: Crucible Tool

Crucible Sliding Bevels for Sale

We have the first of many batches of Crucible Sliding Bevels up for sale in our store today. These are packed and ready for immediate shipment. They are made entirely in the USA. The price is $200. If this batch sells out, don’t worry. We have many more on the way. The mill is running…

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Last Day to Order Before the 25th (and a Price Increase)

Dec. 13 is the last day place an order in our store and be reasonably assured that it will arrive before Christmas. We have almost everything in stock except for card scrapers. That is a Christmas Miracle after the last 20 months of uncertainty and shortages. Now some unfortunate news: The price of steel has…

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Crucible Sliding Bevel – the Movie

I promised a short film that demonstrates how our new Crucible Sliding Bevel Functions. So here it is below.  Our machine shop in Kentucky has begun milling the parts for the first big production run for this tool. We still hope a batch will be ready for Christmas, but we can’t make any promises. At…

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That’s Iron Abuse, Mister

We just received our first fully finished sample of our new Crucible Planing Stops. The cast ductile iron stops are all poured and are about halfway through the grinding process. So it won’t be long now. The stops will cost less than $50. And they are incredibly simple to install: Drill a 5/8” hole in…

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The Anarchist’s Gift Guide (and Other News)

We will kick off the Anarchist Gift Guide on Thursday, Oct. 21 (tomorrow!). That’s a little earlier than usual, but the world is off its axis, and we want to give you plenty of time to get your gifts sorted for the holidays. Plus, this will be our biggest gift guide yet. If you aren’t…

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