Category Archives: Dutch tool chests

Exeter Hammers, ‘Principles of Design’ & Dados

By the end of this week (assuming no more disasters), we should have a clutch of our new Exeter-pattern Furniture-maker’s Hammers for sale, as well as – finally! – “Principles of Design” (we thought we’d have it in June, but we’ve been bedeviled by cover problems at the bindery). “Principles of Design” is our title…

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‘Dutch Tool Chests’ Has Left the Building

I am delighted to announce that the book I started writing four years ago – “Dutch Tool Chests” – is finally in the hands of our printer. I also hope to have proofs to review by the weekend. Above is a mockup of the cover (surprise, it’s gray/blue). The real thing will look a lot…

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Dutch Tool Chest Book Update/Last Call

I hope no on has a heart attack upon reading this…but I will be turning in the completed manuscript for the long-promised Dutch Tool Chest book by the end of this month. This year. In two weeks. Why is it so late? I am definitely the problem. I’m not great anymore at working 18 hours…

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