The Core Hand Tools
For the cost of one large piece of machinery, you can set up a complete shop with hand tools. Here’s what you need to get started.
For the cost of one large piece of machinery, you can set up a complete shop with hand tools. Here’s what you need to get started.
The right techniques and tools (plus a few tricks) will give you a good start on mastering this fine traditional joint. Dovetails have long been recognized as the premier joint for casework and drawers – and for good reason. …
Once you understand the anatomy of a handplane, you’ll be well on your way to using it with success. [View the full-size exploded view of a handplane here] Handplanes are the king of woodworking tools in that they are …
The truss system of the spine looks curious, but it works gangbusters. Tool: 5″ Titanium Birdcage Fret Saw Shop Now Manufacturer: Knew Concepts MSRP: $235 (includes saw and Pegas #7 skip tooth woodworking blade) The crazy design of …
Tool: 8″ Drawknife Shop Now Manufacturer: Ray Iles MSRP: $88.45 In October of 2017, I took a chairmaking class with Larry Barrett, a student of Jennie Alexander’s who has built on the beautiful designs and methods used in …