Adjustable Box Joint Jig
Perfect box joints of any size every time. I got tired of making a new box joint jig each time I wanted to change the width of the joint fingers. My latest jig allows cutting fingers of any size, up …
Perfect box joints of any size every time. I got tired of making a new box joint jig each time I wanted to change the width of the joint fingers. My latest jig allows cutting fingers of any size, up …
To keep stock from slipping when using my miter gauge, I rely on this simple jig. Screw a 3/4″ x 2″ fence to your miter gauge. Make it whatever length you need. Use a continuous hinge to fasten a section …
Two simple router jigs to get perfectly sized dados and grooves, even for undersized plywood. Project #2217 • Skill Level: Beginner • Time: 1 Day • Cost: $75 The ability to cut perfectly snug-fitting dados and grooves is one of …
With five pieces of wood and a clamp, you can make vertical cuts safely. Most magazine articles about jigs miss the point entirely. Jigs exist to make work easier, safer and more accurate. They shouldn’t be complicated projects in …
Machine joints that look hand-made. Imagine cutting through dovetails with pins and sockets spaced any way you like—as if they were cut by hand. Now imagine cutting them without using a dovetail saw or a router. The humble fixture showcased …