Category Archives: Open Wire

This Saturday’s Open Wire is with Follansbee

Author Peter Follansbee (pictured above from a few years ago) is hosting this Saturday’s Open Wire here on the Lost Art Press blog. You can ask him, well, whatever you want. But you’ll get the best answers if you ask about 17th-century-style carving and joinery, birds and beard care. Follansbee is author of “Joiner’s Work”…

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LAP Open Wire with Joshua Klein, June 17, 2023

Today for our Open Wire session we have Joshua Klein, the founder of Mortise & Tenon Magazine, as our host. Joshua and his crew are as hardworking as they come. And so we were surprised when he volunteered to spend a Saturday answering reader questions. Here’s how it works. Ask your question in the comments…

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LAP Open Wire with Joshua Klein, June 17, 2023

For this Saturday’s Open Wire, we are delighted to welcome guest host Joshua Klein, editor of Mortise & Tenon Magazine (M&T) and author of “Hands Employed Aright: The Furniture Making of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847).” You can ask Joshua about all things M&T, Jonathan Fisher and homesteading in Maine, and about the “new” house he and…

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LAP Open Wire, June 10, 2023

You are stuck with me again for the LAP Open Wire this week. (We have a special guest lined up for next week, however.) So let’s hear your woodworking questions. Here’s how it works: Type your question in the comment field. I will post my answer. It is that simple. Before you ask a question,…

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LAP Open Wire with George Walker, June 3, 2023

I am so pleased to have George Walker as our first guest host of the Lost Art Press Open Wire. George is a traditional woodworker who (with his friend Jim Tolpin) has spent nearly 20 years exploring and explaining “artisan geometry.” Artisan geometry is the clever and simple system behind all the good designs and…

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