Category Archives: Open Wire

LAP Open Wire, April 21, 2023

The Open Wire is now open and ready for your woodworking questions.  Every Saturday, I post a new blog entry that calls for questions. Write them in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them. Before you ask a question, a few requests and comments. So here we go…. Note that…

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LAP Open Wire, April 15, 2023

If you have a question about woodworking or our products, this is the place to get it answered – today. Here’s how. Post your question in the comments section below. If possible, I’ll answer it. Simple. But (and as Pee Wee Herman says, Everybody’s got a big butt)…. I reserve the right to ignore questions…

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LAP Open Wire, April 8, 2023

We have now opened the floor for woodworking questions this morning.  Every Saturday, I post a new blog entry that calls for your questions. You can write them in the comments section below. I’ll do my best to answer them. Please read the following before you post a comment. I reserve the right to ignore…

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LAP Open Wire, April 1, 2023

If you have a question about one of our books or tools, or something that has been bugging you about what we do here in the shop, this is the place to get an answer. Every Saturday, I’ll post a new blog entry that calls for your questions. You can write them in the comments…

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(Almost) Every Saturday: LAP Open Wire

I haven’t had a public email address for many years, and that has been good for my productivity and sanity. But readers do have legitimate questions about my work, and so they usually try to get to me through Megan or our customer service account. And so Megan and everyone else has to answer questions…

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