Category Archives: Open Wire

LAP Open Wire, April 13, 2024

We’ve had a grand week of visitors and video shoots. Roy Underhill made a quick trip to town, then headed a little farther northwest to experience eclipse totality. And Whitney Miller, author of “Henry Boyd’s Freedom Bed,” spent the week recording a video on how to make a Swedish tool chest. Not only is she…

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LAP Open Wire, April 6, 2024

My Saturday goal is to get the final coat of paint on this chair. I just I assume it’s going to need a third coat after Friday’s second coat, because this chair hates me (this is General Finishes “milk paint” in Westminster Green – no longer available, unfortunately). But my other goal is to answer…

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LAP Open Wire, March 30, 2024

Chris and I are here all day to answer your woodworking questions – in between some work at the bench, of course. You know the drill: post your (succinct) question(s) in the comments field below, and we shall do our best to answer. Comments will close at around 5 p.m. – Fitz

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LAP Open Wire, Sat. March 23, 2024

The fellow above is here this weekend teaching a class in making traditional sash, so Chris and I are twiddling our thumbs and awaiting your questions about woodworking, cats, LAP books, Shakespeare, the Anthe building restoration (we’re finally on to the stuff that should be done, rather than must be done – so that’s exciting!)…

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LAP Open Wire, March 16, 2024

Psssst…or pspspspsps… You. Yeah, you! You got a woodworking question? Ask in the comments below, and my amanuenses (Chris and Megan) will do their best to answer. At 5 p.m. Eastern, though, they have to stop. It is then time for tre…

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