Category Archives: Open Wire

Open Wire: March 9, 2023

Megan is teaching a class on building a Shaker silverware tray here at the storefront this weekend, so y’all are stuck with me and Wally the cat for Open Wire.  We are happy to answer your woodworking questions here on Open Wire. Simply type your question into the comment box below. Post it. We will…

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LAP Open Wire Sat. March 2, 2024

Chris is in Florida through next week to teach two classes, and is then taking a few well-earned days of vacation with his wife, Lucy May. (I expect he’ll pop in from time to time to answer, or comment after hours on chair questions and the like.) In the meantime, I’ll be here editing his…

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Open Wire is in Person Today at the Storefront

We have the Lie-Nielsen folks in this weekend for the first Hand Tool Event in at least three years. So we are not able to answer questions online today. If you are in the area, stop by the storefront and a whole host of people will be happy to answer your woodworking questions.  Megan and…

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LAP Open Wire, Feb. 17, 2024

It’s time for Open Wire, our almost-every-Saturday woodworking question and answer session! Next week, however, Open Wire will be in-person only at the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event here in our shop. So if you have questions and can’t make it to next weekend’s shindig, ask now in the comments section below. Note: Brevity is appreciated….

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LAP Open Wire, Feb. 10, 2024

It has been a crazy chair week here in the shop…so no different than usual (except we had eight people working in here instead of the usual two). So today, we’re happy to take it a little easy and answer questions at the computer. You know the drill: Post your woodworking question in the comments,…

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