Category Archives: Open Wire

LAP Open Wire, Feb. 10, 2024

It has been a crazy chair week here in the shop…so no different than usual (except we had eight people working in here instead of the usual two). So today, we’re happy to take it a little easy and answer questions at the computer. You know the drill: Post your woodworking question in the comments,…

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LAP Open Wire, Feb. 10, 2024

It has been a crazy chair week here in the shop…so no different than usual (except we had eight people working in here instead of the usual two). So today, we’re happy to take it a little easy and answer questions at the computer. You know the drill: Post your woodworking question in the comments,…

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LAP Open Wire, Feb. 10, 2024

It has been a crazy chair week here in the shop…so no different than usual (except we had eight people working in here instead of the usual two). So today, we’re happy to take it a little easy and answer questions at the computer. You know the drill: Post your woodworking question in the comments,…

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LAP Open Wire Feb. 3, 2024

It’s Open Wire time, where you can pose your woodworking questions in the comments section below and we’ll do our best to answer them. Chris is also getting ready for a class that starts Monday, and I’m getting the class pages ready for the July-December 2024 classes (they’ll be announced soon!)…and finishing one last thing…

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LAP Open Wire, Jan. 27, 2024

Today, we are delighted to have Andy Glenn, author of “Backwoods Chairmakers,” here to answer your woodworking questions – particularly those relating to post-and-rung chairs of the Appalachian region, as that’s the core of his new book. But, he’s a long-time woodworking teacher who trained at North Bennet Street School, so he’s certainly qualified to…

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