Category Archives: Set & File by Matt Cianci

Saws: The Story So Far

Part I: Moxon to Nicholson By Matt Cianci, the SawWright I started writing “Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening” in 2015, but the background work started long before that in the early 2000s. For me, learning to sharpen saws was trial and error, and there wasn’t much to guide me. I looked…

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Saws, Teeth & Tooth Spacing

The following is excerpted from “Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening,” by Matt Cianci. In this book, Cianci (aka The Saw Wright) teaches you the fundamentals of maintaining backsaws and handsaws: how to file and joint your saws with the correct rake, fleam and pitch to keep them cutting sharp. You’ll also…

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‘Set & File’ Back in Stock (Yay); Delays on Other Books (Boo)

“Set & File: A Practical Guide to Saw Sharpening” by Matt Cianci is back in stock after we absolutely burned through the first printing. We now have enough copies to begin filling wholesale orders for our international retailers. So stay tuned. Other good news: Classic Hand Tools in the U.K. now has “American Peasant” and…

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Meet the Author: Matt Cianci

Matt Cianci’s mom was reading a book in her living room, having just put Matt down for a nap upstairs, when she saw his 4-year-old body fly past the living room window and crash into the ground. She screamed, jumped up and threw open the door. Matt was in the bushes, a blanket tied around his…

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