Category Archives: Sharpen This

Life Cycle of an Edge

The following is an excerpt from “Sharpen This” by Christopher Schwarz. One of the most frequent (and unanswerable) questions I get about sharpening is: How often should I sharpen? The correct but unsatisfactory answer is: Pretty much any time the question “Should I sharpen?” pops into your head. When I ask myself that question, I…

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The 10 Best-selling Products of 2023

I’m always a bit surprised by what sells well each year. I look at our sales every morning, track inventory and try to figure out our next step. But rarely do I step back and look at the big sales picture. Except for today. Here are the 10 best selling Lost Art Press/Crucible products of…

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Author-signed Books – Offer Extended Through 2024

All my books that you buy through Lost Art Press will be signed by me through 2024. It takes a few hours of my time each week, but we are thrilled we can offer this small personal touch now that we have our fulfillment center up and running in Covington, Kentucky. We also will offer…

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PG-13 ‘Sharpen This’ Stickers are Back!

Starting now, when you buy the book “Sharpen This” from the Lost Art Press website, it will not only be signed by the author (that would be Christopher Schwarz), but we’ll include our reprint of the 2017 “Sharpen This” sticker that some (hi, Mom!) might find mildly offensive. (If you get a sticker and don’t…

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Warning: Sharp Language

With woodworking books, it can take years for publishers to decide if they want to translate a title into a foreign language. With technical information, publishers want to make sure that the information is worth translating and reprinting. Translations are shockingly expensive. So it was gratifying that immediately after “Sharpen This” was released in September…

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