Category Archives: The Handcrafted Life of Dick Proenneke

Today I Would Build Some Furniture

The following is excerpted from “The Handcrafted Life of Dick Proenneke,” by Monroe Robinson.  Millions of PBS viewers first met Dick Proenneke through the program “Alone in the Wilderness,” which documents Dick’s 30-year adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. On the shores of Twin Lakes, Dick built his cabin and nearly all of the household objects…

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The 10 Best-selling Products of 2023

I’m always a bit surprised by what sells well each year. I look at our sales every morning, track inventory and try to figure out our next step. But rarely do I step back and look at the big sales picture. Except for today. Here are the 10 best selling Lost Art Press/Crucible products of…

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Dick Proenneke: Gifts & Barter

The following is excerpted from “The Handcrafted Life of Dick Proenneke,” by Monroe Robinson. Millions of PBS viewers first met Dick Proenneke through the program “Alone in the Wilderness,” which documents Dick’s 30-year adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. On the shores of Twin Lakes, Dick built his cabin and nearly all of the household objects…

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Dick Proenneke’s Beach Chair & Butcher’s Block

The following is excerpted from “The Handcrafted Life of Dick Proenneke,” by Monroe Robinson. No one holds a more intimate knowledge of Dick’s handcrafted life than Monroe, and just as Dick shared his life through letters and film, Monroe knew he had a responsibility to share all that he had learned. This book, which includes…

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