Category Archives: The Stick Chair Book

The Sledgehammer Test

When chairmaker Chris Williams became concerned about brash wood, he devised a test to detect it. Put the stick up on blocks and whack it with a mallet.  Brash wood, which is very brittle, will usually snap in two. I took Chris’s idea and expanded it. I now use “The Sledgehammer Test” to select wood…

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Good Read: Quercus Magazine, April 2022

The latest issue of Quercus Magazine is an important one. In the March/April 2022 issue, Editor Nick Gibbs pays tribute to chairmaker John Brown. It’s a heartfelt, first-person account of his work and friendship with JB, and it fills in a lot of interesting details about their working relationship.  Most importantly, it is an unromantic…

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An Undiscovered String

One of the frustrating aspects of editing a woodworking magazine was how little unplowed ground was left to explore. Well, let me put it another way: there was little ground that we were permitted to explore.  Most woodworking magazines stick to a steady diet of the following furniture styles: Vaguely Shaker, Somewhat Arts & Crafts,…

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For Sale: Bog Oak Comb Back No. 2

This six-stick comb-back chair with a narrow comb is probably my favorite design to make. It’s both a challenge to build and a delight to sit in. This chair is built using bog oak excavated from Poland that’s between 2,000-4,000 years old. The wood was leftover from a stunning dining table commission built by local…

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