Category Archives: The Stick Chair Book

For Sale: Blue Comb-back Stick Chair

This stick chair is one of a series of “scrapple” chairs I’ve been making during the last month, using up beautiful extra chair parts that have been sitting around for as long as five years. Because I was constrained by the parts on hand, I had to devise a new chair design that made all…

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Free: Curved-back Armchair from ‘The Stick Chair Book’

Don’t let an unfamiliarity with chairmaking keep you building a chair. This Irish-y armchair, with a curved back rest and lightly saddled seat, is a gateway chair into building a full-on Kentucky stick chair (or Welsh stick chair, or Scottish stick chair, or Insertplacenamehere stick chair). And the plan for this chair is free. Click…

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A Workbench for Making Chairs

Because I have written books on workbenches and chairs, I am regularly asked what sort of workbench is best for making chairs. Here’s my answer: the same bench you use to make cabinets, boxes and snake toys. Unless you are a professional chairmaker who makes chairs and only chairs in a tiny space, there is…

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Dumb Stuff to Ignore

When it comes to making chairs or any other complex piece of furniture, it’s easy to become paralyzed by the advice of others, even when the advice is well-meaning. It is possible to be well-meaning and all-clueless. When you hear the following rules or dictums or whatever, just blow a silent and internal raspberry back…

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How to Become a Stick Chair Nerd

I never planned on trying to drag a bunch of readers into my Stick Chair Lair, but it sure looks that way in our store. We now have four titles devoted to these chairs, plus plans, a sliding bevel, a calculator for designing your own chairs, a bevel-setting tool and a card scraper specially ground…

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