Category Archives: The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years

‘Furniture Doors: Their Variety & Construction’

The following is excerpted from Vol. IV of “The Woodworker, The Charles H. Hayward Years,” which covers the shop & furniture. As a general classification some six general types of doors have been evolved over the years, though the variations on each are almost unlimited. Only a few can be illustrated here, but the reader…

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Types of Cabinet Backs

The following is excerpted from Vol. IV of “The Woodworker, The Charles H. Hayward Years, The Shop & Furniture.” This fourth book in our “Woodworker” series covers three different topics: 1) The Workshop, including the design and construction of workbenches, tool chests and wall cabinets. There’s also an entire section devoted to “appliances,”which are workshop…

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‘The Styles of Furniture’

What follows is a broad overview of historic styles, by Henry R. Birks, who was an instructor in cabinet work t Regent Street Polytechnic in London. He earned City and Guilds first-class honors in cabinet work. This article is from Vol. IV (which covers Furniture and the Workshop) of our compilation of “The Woodworker: The…

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Points to Know About the Screwdriver

The following is excerpted from Vol. II of “The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years: Techniques.” This book is chock-full of invaluable hand-tool technique instruction and tool knowledge…including finer points about screwdrivers. I didn’t know until I started working with nice hardware that the screwdriver mattered – it absolutely does. – Fitz There are many…

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‘Beginner’s Trouble: Some Helpful Advice’

The following is excerpted from “Honest Labour: The Charles H. Hayward Years.” When we started on The Woodworker project more than a decade ago we didn’t intend to publish “Honest Labour.” The series was going to have four books that covered handwork: Vol. 1: Tools; Vol. 2: Techniques; Vol. 3: Joinery; and Vol. 4: The…

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