Category Archives: Woodworking Classes

A Game of Ounces

Jack planes are the most-used tool in my hands. Hands down, hands forward and hands back. I’m on my third jack plane iron since 1996. I’ve never even come close to wearing out a plane iron for a smoothing or jointer plane. (I have eaten through some block plane blades, though I blame that on…

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A Class for a Good Cause

Registration opens tomorrow at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking (MASW) where I am teaching a weekend class in 2023 in making a staked stool. This is a rare instance of me leaving the nest to teach. But I’m doing it for three reasons. The class is Oct. 14-15, 2023. All the details are on…

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Teach Woodworking – or Else

If you know anything about woodworking, I think you are qualified to teach it to others.  In my earliest days of woodworking as an adult, my friend Chris and I taught each other what we knew about woodworking, even though we each knew enough to fill up a thimble. In the early 1990s, I taught…

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