Category Archives: Woodworking in Estonia

Spoons, Bowls, Troughs & Other Scooped Objects

The following is excerpted from “Woodworking in Estonia.” The author, Ants Viires, devoted his life to recording the hand-tool folkways of his country without a shred of romanticism. Viires combined personal interviews and direct observation of work habits with archaeological evidence and a thorough scouring of the literature in his country and surrounding nations. If…

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Estonian Woodworking Benches

The following is excerpted from “Woodworking in Estonia,” by Ants Viires; translation by Mart Aru. It’s one of Roy Underhill’s three favorite woodworking books, but you can’t buy a copy of it for love or money. Translated into English without the author’s permission in the late 1960s, “Woodworking in Estonia” has been a cult classic…

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