Category Archives: Yellow Pine Journalism

10 Biggest Mistakes We’ve Made

As Lost Art Press enters its 16th year of operations, I am amazed we are still here. We have made so many errors – some of them nearly fatal. Likely the reason we are still operating is that we are too dumb to quit. If I had to “make” every LAP book with a photocopier…

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Making Things Hard/Easy

For most of my career, I have helped other woodworkers “get published.” That task could be as simple as spell checking their excellent work. Or as involved as being a ghost writer – taking an oral history of their work and transforming it into an article or entire book.  After 25 years of doing this,…

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Unbox This

You don’t see many “unboxing” videos of our books and tools on the internet. And that is 100 percent by design. We put a lot of thought into our packaging. But our goal is to get the product to you using the minimum amount of packaging. And with most – if not all – of…

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Question: Who is the Customer?

Here is a quick business-related post here that may help you in your woodworking (or nematode lingerie) business.  In any transaction there are only three roles: the seller, the customer and the product. As one of the owners of Lost Art Press, I might occupy any of those roles at different times. And if I…

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