Category Archives: Yellow Pine Journalism

Cruel to be Kind (Means that Your Shop’s Clean)

If you have ever visited the Greenville Woodworkers Guild in Upstate South Carolina, you probably marveled at… everything. The machines. The space. The lumber storage. The multimedia room and furniture display areas. Me? I loved the sign over the slop sink. Above that sink was a sign that explicitly stated what was and what was…

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Book-like Objects, a Rant

This week I’ve been reading a newly published set of six history books. And unfortunately, I should read them as quickly as possible because these books are designed from the get-go to fall apart in short order. As a consumer this is maddening. The set cost me $550 (or $91.66 per volume). And after inspecting…

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There But For the Grace of God, Go I

One of the more important books in the Covington Mechanical Library is an inexpensive paperback from the 1990s. Long out of print, derided and forgotten. It’s “Building Classic Antique Furniture with Pine” by Blair Howard. And the reason I keep it on our shelves is because it makes me a better editor. Whenever I’m bleary…

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