My First 3-Phase Tool! | Felder D 951 Planer
My first 3-Phase tool requires some specialized gear to get it working.
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Read moreMy first 3-Phase tool requires some specialized gear to get it working.
The post My First 3-Phase Tool! | Felder D 951 Planer appeared first on The Wood Whisperer.
Read moreMy contractor saw shares a garage with my car, so it’s stowed against a wall when not in use. It’s not an easy thing to drag into place when it’s time to set up for woodworking, so I decided to …
This versatile hand tool should be every woodworker’s first plane purchase. As a “professional woodworker” I often get asked what’s the best bang-for-the-buck tool by people getting into this craft. My response is always to ask if they have a …
Read moreThe amount of woodworkers that I meet that don’t have a good set of chisels nearly floors me. With the work I do, I couldn’t survive without my sharp set of bench chisels. Between fine-tuning joints, paring waste, and cleaning …
Most of the clamps in our woodworking arsenal are designed to produce tons of pressure per square inch. While we use them to hold pieces over the workbench, close joints, or keep glued parts from moving while the glue dries, …